Working alongside other Aboriginal businesses a priority for DDR

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Working alongside other Aboriginal businesses a priority for DDR

Oaks Civil Construction is 100 per cent Aboriginal-owned and DDR was pleased to sub-contract the business on a recent WA project.

As a majority Aboriginal-owned business, DDR takes a “together, we are stronger” approach to its participation in the construction, remediation and maintenance space. That means that, where possible, the company seeks to work with other Aboriginal businesses when delivering projects. Below is what Oaks Civil Construction’s managing director Jarrad Oakley Nicholls had to say about working with DDR.

“Recently, Oaks Civil Construction was fortunate enough to sub-contract to DDR on a project at HMAS Stirling on Garden Island. The project commenced in July 2023 and was successfully delivered in November.

As a growing, 100 per cent Aboriginal-owned and operated business, it can be difficult to identify those who hold the willingness to support Aboriginal businesses in not only learning how to operate efficiently and effectively, but also grow and diversify. DDR has been extremely supportive of Oaks Civil, which has allowed us to develop both our service capabilities and our capacity.

Up to 90 per cent of Oaks Civil’s projects consist of infrastructure works for Main Roads, but now, DDR has opened the door into a new sector – Defence. As a result, our employees have been able to learn from the experienced DDR team and improve their skill sets, which they will carry with them into their careers.

DDR’s efforts to train and support Oaks Civil staff has also assisted us in pursuing our mission – to develop employment opportunities for Aboriginal people and give back to our community.

The DDR team on site and in the office is professional, friendly and fantastic to work with. Oaks Civil Construction extends its sincere thanks to DDR and welcomes the opportunity to work with them again.”

Jarrad Oakley Nicholls
Managing Director
Oaks Civil Construction

It has been a pleasure to work with Oaks Civil Construction and DDR looks forward to continuing its relationship with the business.

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